When my last employer shut their doors after 50 plus years I decided to try and make a go of self-employment. I had the nod from my husband so I took a chance. I've worked since I was 15 and was not sure how this self-employment gig was going to turn out. I was making jewelry as a side job for about 3 years. It was really fun and I was learning as I went. It wasn't easy getting stores to take my work and when they did it was almost always on consignment. I did craft fairs and home shows and the going was slow and often disheartening. I kept after it, and happily, sale picked up and I was able to actually pay myself after about 1 year in. Then unexpectedly things started to really boom. I had a hard time keeping up with demand. I had to make a big decision. I either had to hire people to work for me or get out. As a one person outfit, I could only make so much jewelry on my own.
Then some one asked me if I would teach them how to make one of my designs and I found a way to stop making so much jewelry and do more teaching. Adding The tools was just a natural progression along the way.